Utility Portal Is LiveWe’re excited to share our Online Utility Portal is now live. The portal allows you to access near real-time utility usage data from the newly installed electric meters from our ongoing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project. The easy-to-use portal features a comprehensive dashboard with water and electric utility data and allows you to toggle between the two easily. View your usage for a billing cycle, review utility alerts or set threshold alerts for utility usage for billing cycles or when you’re on vacation. This helps you better understand your usage nearly in real time to help your family plan for its utility costs. For more information, please refer to the video link below, “Using the Online AMI Portal” |
What is Advanced Metering Infrastructure? |
Benefits of Advanced Metering Infrastructure |
Usage TrendsConsumption reports encourage energy-saving habits and help identify issues. |
Customized AlertsGet notified of high energy and water usage, set up daily energy allowances, and receive outage notifications. |
Accurate BillingMeter readings are more accurate with less disputes, and issues can be resolved before the billing period. |
Faster ResponseShows the utility how the system is working and notifies staff of outages in real time, shortening response times. |
Secure NetworkData is encrypted and communicated via a secure wireless network, so customer information is safe. |
Project News |
AMI Deployment Progress |
Understand Your Bill |
Frequently Asked Questions |
We are upgrading our utility systems to enhance operations and improve the quality of service for customers. Other public power utilities in Florida already use smart meters, and their customers appreciate having more control over their monthly usage and bill. We hope you will, too.
No, all existing meters will be replaced with new equipment. Upgrading to the new meters will enable both customers and the utility to utilize the new system to its fullest potential.
The new meters will be equipped with technology that communicates with our local utility. Your usage data is encrypted and communicated via a secure, private network. You will have access to your data via an online portal.
The typical meter transmits less than one second per day and 99.999% of smart meters transmit for less than one minute per day. Furthermore, energy produced by smart meters is not harmful and is comparable to cellular phone devices, wireless baby monitors, television broadcasts, garage door openers, microwave ovens, cordless home phones, and WiFi networks. For more information, visit https://sensus.com/rf/ Customers will have access to usage data through an online portal after the new meters are installed. We will send customers information on how to create and access their account when we are ready to change out the meters.
Customers can set up alerts for service outages, higher than normal usage, meeting daily usage thresholds and more. By doing so, you can identify ways to conserve power or water and better manage your bill.
The city received a grant and low-interest financing to help pay for the AMI system, so there will be no cost to customers for the new meters or installation.
The new meters will only communicate data related to your utility usage, meter numbers and diagnostic information. No personal data will be collected or stored.
The new smart meters are more accurate than a traditional rotating-disc meter. If your bill is higher than expected, log in to the customer portal and review your monthly consumption. Your meter is working correctly if you can connect the higher bill to user habits. Our Customer Service Department is happy to answer questions, so let us know if you still have concerns.
Contact UsPhone: (863) 983-1454 |